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Optimas Installation Manual Installation COSTS IN {currency} LAID THOUSAND SQUARE METERS PER YEAR Result of the Payback Calculator (Break-Even-Point) Purchase Price Depreciation Years Depreciation Amount per Year Interest Rate Interest (per Year) Estimated Repair Costs (per Year) Laying Capacity of the Machine ( persons) Diesel Price (3 ltr. / Machine Hour) Lubricants (incl. Labor Costs per Machine Hour) Hourly Wage per Worker (incl. Social Costs) Estimated Laying Capacity (Manual, persons) Machine hours Wages Operating costs Total costs Difference costs m² / Year Hours Created on per m² years Optimas_Amortization_Results.pdf "Fixed" costs per year

Payback calculator

Please enter your data in the fields below. The programme calculates from how many square metres per year the Optimas will pay for itself.

Manual installation data

Optimas installation data

The price depends on the equipment and the year of manufacture. In addition to our new machines, we can always offer a selection of used machines.
Please select the purchase price first.
The laying performance depends largely on the site organisation. We are happy to advise and train you and your staff to achieve maximum performance on your site.

*Mandatory information for the calculation

Benötigte Stunden (OVM)
mit 2 Personen
(2 Pers.)
Betriebskosten Gesamtkosten € p. m²
Benötigte Stunden (OVM)
mit 2 Personen
(2 Pers.)
€ p. m²
Maschinenverlegung m² / Jahr